597 East Main Street - PO Box 168 - Cobleskill, NY 12043- Phone: 518-234-7604 - Fax: 518-234-4346 Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher Program Serving all of Schoharie County. The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) is a federal program that provides housing assistance to very low- income. Participant households generally pay between 30-40% of their monthly adjusted income towards their housing cost and the program pays the remainder directly to the landlord by direct deposit on the first of each month. Applicants are placed on the waiting list by date & time and then priority of any admissions preference you may have checked on page 4 of the pre-application. You may return the application by mail to PO Box 168, Cobleskill NY 12043 or bring it to our office located 597 E. Main Street, Cobleskill. Project Based Voucher Program The Project Based Voucher Program (PBV) is rental assistance that is attached specifically to The Birches of Schoharie. It is a component of the (HCV) program, which is funded by the federal government. Tenants who live in the units with PBV's pay 30% of their income or minimum rent for rent and utilities, and the voucher covers the rest. Applicants are placed on the waiting list by date & time and the applicant must also complete an application with The Birches of Schoharie. Website: thebircheshomes@com Completed PBV application can be mail to PO Box 168, Cobleskill NY 12043 or dropped off at our office located 597 E. Main Street, Cobleskill. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program The Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA) is a rental assistance with the goal to support people who are on the extensive Housing Choice Voucher waiting list. The TBRA Program is funded through HUD with a pass-through Housing Trust Fund Corporation. TBRA provides a security deposit and ongoing rental assistance based on household monthly income for up to 24 months. Our office only accepts original pre-applications. ALL UNANSWERED QUESTIONS, COPIES AND/OR FAXES OF THE PRE-APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED. If you have any questions concerning the pre-application or eligibility process, do not hesitate to call our office during our regular business hours of Monday — Friday, (8:00 am 4:00 pm). The Schoharie County Rural Preservation Corporation is not currently accepting application for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list. Please check back periodically for updates. We also publish a Public Notice in the Times Journal prior to reopening the list to accept applications. The Project Based Voucher waiting list for The Birches of Schoharie is open. PDFs below require Adobe Reader *Effective 10-2-23 Project Based Rental Assistance.pdf * Things_you_should_know_.pdf PHA 5 year and Annual Plan.pdf The Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA2005) Notice to Program Participants Regarding Discrimination Based on Source of Income
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